Alzheimers - What You Need To Know


10 Facts About Alzheimer’s Disease

1. Alzheimer's disease is fairly common, almost half of American citizens over 85 suffer from it. You and your loved one are not alone.

2. More than half of Americans aren't aware they have it. This is why spreading awareness and knowledge about Alzheimer's disease is important.

3. Two-thirds of people who suffer from Alzheimer's disease are women. But this doesn't mean women are more predisposed to the disease.

4. Alzheimer's disease symptoms can develop as early as 30 years old. The sooner you acknowledge and treat your symptoms the better.

5. Alzheimer's is expected to occur every 33 seconds by 2050. This is due to the growing population of people over 65.

6. Alzheimer's disease is the 6th leading cause of death in the U.S. Although the rate of death for other diseases is decreasing, the rate of death for Alzheimer's is continuing to increase.

7. There are over 17 million caregivers for people who suffer from Alzheimer's disease or other forms of dementia. 80% of these caregivers are family caregivers who provide care at home.

8. There is an increased likelihood of depression, emotional stress and financial problems among caregivers for those with the disease. Dealing with a loved one who has Alzheimer's can be stressful.

9. The total cost of health and long-term care services for Alzheimer’s is $277 billion. Over $102 billion was paid out of pocket.

10. There are an estimated 800,000 Americans with the disease living alone.